Russia in Crisis (MSNBC)
Russian Financial Crisis (Yahoo)
Crisis in Russia (CNN Interactive)
Russia: What Went Wrong? , by Clifford Gaddy and Barry W. Ickes, forthcoming in Analysis of Current Events.
Here is an article about the Russian currency crisis by two economists from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.
David Lipton's
testimony on Russia before the House Banking General Oversight and Investigations
An article on Russia's oligarchs: "Bankers' Wars in Russia, Trophies and Wounds", by Natalia Dinello.
An article by Paul Krugman, "The Other Bear Market: The run on Russia," from Slate Magazine (subscription required)
An article from The Economist on "How do they survive?"
An article from The New York Times, on Norilsk, entitled Siberia's Latest Challenge: Capitalism.
Stanley Fischer on "Reforming
World Finance: Lessons From a Crisis" from The Economist (October
3-9, 1998).
This page was prepared by Barry W. Ickes
Last updated: September 26, 1998