Economic Growth Workshop

This is the website for the Economics of Growth Workshop. During Spring Semester 2007 we meet each Thursday at 5:45PM in 413 Kern (except for April 2).

The purpose of the workshop is to study recent work in the Economics of Growth, both theory and empirical, for graduate students interested in this subject.

Our plan is to have weekly meetings. Each week we will discuss a different paper that will be presented by a graduate student. All participants must read the papers in advance.

All attendees must participate – no free riding is allowed. Papers for discussion will be chosen by graduate students and by faculty. Below we present a sample of some papers we think will be relevant.

All participants should read Lant Pritchett's article on modern growth theory.

To find a list of readings for the workshop, click here.

To find a schedule of papers, presenters, and discussants, click here.

You can find more growth papers here and here.

Here are materials and papers related to topics we have previously discussed.