Here is an introductory lecture for international finance. Here is my short note on the transfer problem.
Here is part one of my current account lecture. This version is September 4, 2008. I corrected the error with the minus sign that showed up in class. Here is the final version for this semester (October 17) of the second part of the current account lecture (starting with sustainability). Here are my newly updated (Dec 14) crisis lecture notes. They are still more than a bit cryptic, I think (note that the file name says 2005, but the notes are 2006). Here is the final, updated lecture (November 14, 2006) note on the Gold Standard. It includes materials bimetallism, and on Bretton Woods and the Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments, as well. This new version includes material on the Bretton Woods II. Here is a somewhat further revised version of my lecture note on the Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rate Regimes. (revised November 1, 2005). Here is a lecture note on Overshooting. It also contains material on bubbles (revised December 2, 2005). Here is a lecture on dollar depreciation and current account reversal. Here is another, even more recently, revised version of my lecture note on Income Determination in the Open Economy. This note covers the topic of fiscal and monetary policy under fixed and flexible exchange rates (revised November 8, 2004). Here is a lecture note on the real exchange rate (revised October 25, 2004). Here is a slightly revised version of my lecture note on Optimum Currency Areas and Fixed versus Flexible exchange rates. This also covers currency boards and the euro. Here is a lecture note on Argentina. Here is a lecture note that on the Asset Approach to the Exchange Rate and the Real Exchange Rate. It updates the two lecture notes that covered the same material. Here is a short note on the Asian Crisis.
Here is a note on Brazil and debt dynamics.
Here is a lecture note on the use of options in currency markets (revised September 30, 2003). Here is a note on the Balance of Payments.
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Last updated: September 4, 2008
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