Econ 434 Presentations
Here you will find the that are used in the lectures. Some of these are power point presentations and some are in the beamer format for which you use pdf files.

These are not substitutes for the lecture notes.

  • Here is the introductory lecture.
  • Here is the first part of the current account lecture.

  • Here is the beginning of the second part of the current account lecture.
  • I took out the dynamic model part of the current account lecture. It is here.
  • I split the foreign exchange lecture into two files. Here is the part on exchange rate regimes.
  • Here is the beginning of the lecture on the foreign exchange market (corrected after class on October 13).
  • Here is the beginning of the lecture on the gold standard.
  • Here is more of the gold standard lecture, now in a pdf format.
  • Here is the start of the floating exchange rate lecture in beamer (pdf) format.
  • Here is the start of the financial crises lecture in beamer (pdf) format.
  • Here is a lecture on the current financial crisis.
  • Here is another lecture on the current financial crisis
  • Here is a lecture on bubbles.

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    Last updated: September 3, 2009